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    Fingerprint algorithm chip

      Fingerprint algorithm chip

      Fingerprint chip

      Based on ARM Cortex-M4 core, it has the advantages of fast processing speed, large internal RAM and ROM, etc

  • Product Content
  • The fingerprint algorithm chip ID812 has the characteristics of high performance, large capacity, low power consumption, and small packaging. It integrates the new IDFinger fingerprint algorithm and has begun to be applied in fingerprint recognition devices.

    Product Introduction

    ID812 uses an ARM 32-bit secure core processor. Fully utilize its architectural features, high performance, and low cost, while providing high-performance, secure, and energy-efficient solutions. The chip has a built-in hardware security encryption module that supports multiple encryption security algorithms, including mainstream encryption algorithms such as DES, TDES, AES, RSA, SHA, ECC, etc. The chip hardware also supports multiple attack detection functions. The fingerprint algorithm chip ID812 contains a secure BOOT program that supports firmware signature verification during download and startup. The chip integrates rich peripheral resources, and all peripheral driver software is compatible with mainstream security chip software interfaces and complies with ARM CMSIS specifications. Users can quickly develop and port based on existing solutions. By adopting advanced manufacturing processes, this chip can provide higher clock frequency and lower power consumption.

    Technical parameters

    ARM 32-bit secure core
    \t32-bit RISC Core(ARMv7-M)
    MPU Memory Protection Unit
    144\/120\/108\/72\/60\/54MHz main frequency (1, 2, 4 frequency adjustable)
    1 controlled JTAG-DP debugging port
    128KB Random Scrambled SRAM
    \t1MB Flash
    System control module (controls all peripheral module clocks and system related configurations)
    Secure Encryption Algorithm Acceleration Engine
    Symmetric algorithm: DES TDES、AES-128\/192\/256
    Asymmetric algorithm: RSA-1024\/2048, ECC
    HASH verification algorithm: SHA-1\/224\/256\/384\/512
    3 UART interfaces (all supporting 4 wires)
    3 SPI interfaces (1 master-slave configurable, 2 master only)
    1 high-speed SPI interface SPI3 (master\/slave compatible)
    1 I2C interface
    6 32-bit TIMERs (with PWM function)
    1 true random number generator
    1 DMA controller (supports 4-channel DMA transfer)
    1 CRC module (supporting 16Bit\/32Bit, multiple commonly used polynomial calculations)
    1 USB (OTG-FS)
    Supports USB 2.0 and OTG1.0a
    Built in USB PHY module
    Chip integration internal watchdog
    1 7-channel 10 bit ADC supporting 1MHz sampling rate, with channel 0 collecting voltage range of 0-5V (internal voltage divider)
    \t1.7M\/425K), The voltage range collected by other channels is 0-1.2V
    Chip integrated USB charging management module, supporting up to 200mA charging current
    Chip integrated power on\/off function

    Product images

    Application scope

    The fingerprint algorithm chip ID812 is equipped with IDFinger V6.0 fingerprint algorithm. The IDFinger fingerprint recognition algorithm has stable, accurate, fast, and reliable performance characteristics, as well as deep self-learning, adaptive, and 360 degree; The easy-to-use advantages of arbitrary angle recognition enable accurate collection and recognition of various fingerprints, including rough, dry, and damaged fingerprints. Each fingerprint feature extraction and recognition can be completed by express delivery.




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Beijing Aidiwade Technology Development Co., LtdAddress:10A, Building A, Jinyuan Times Business Center, Haidian District, Beijing Contact: Mr. QinMobile phone: 13718395695 Email:694524484@qq.com