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NIST-PIV Mobile FAP Science Popularization in the United States

Release time:2024-08-01 17:21:04

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a federal government agency responsible for developing and promoting various standards and technologies in the United States.
PIV (Personal Identity Verification) is a technical standard for identity verification developed and widely adopted by the US government. This standard requires the use of PIV cards to verify personnel identity and ensure secure access to sensitive information and resources.
Mobile FAP (Fingerprint Acquisition Profile) is a fingerprint acquisition specification used for mobile devices. By using fingerprint sensors on mobile devices, users' fingerprint information can be collected and compared.
The NIST-PIV Mobile FAP certification is a certification conducted by NIST to evaluate whether the fingerprint acquisition function on mobile devices meets the requirements of the PIV standard. Through this authentication, the security and reliability of the fingerprint collection function on mobile devices can be ensured, enabling it to be used for PIV card authentication.
Ediward Company has 15 years of technical accumulation in the field of fingerprints and can provide fingerprint modules that meet the requirements of NIST-PIV Mobile FAP in the United States, as well as ISO fingerprint modules, STQC fingerprint modules, and FBI fingerprint modules.




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Beijing Aidiwade Technology Development Co., LtdAddress:10A, Building A, Jinyuan Times Business Center, Haidian District, Beijing Contact: Mr. QinMobile phone: 13718395695 Email:694524484@qq.com